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Keranjang Belanja :Travel &Talk Indonesian Travel To Indonesia + CD Audio
Rp. 165,000,- 15% OFF
Jumlah Stok:
• Bilingual Indonesian - English.
• Over 1500 most commonly used Indonesian words and 500 Indonesian simple phrases (in total there are 2000 vocabulary).
• Suitable for foreigner travelers who use English and need to learn common Indonesian phrases in over 20 themes such as: Greetings&introduction, Money & Accommodation, Places & Direction, Transportation, Office&Business etc.
• Audio narrated by native speakers.
Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) is the official (national) language of Indonesia since the Independence Day of Indonesian in 1945 which was inspired by the Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Oath) event in 1928. Indonesian is also the second language in the Indonesian archipelago as most of Indonesian speaks one of more than 700 indigenous languages. Bahasa is spoken by the majority of Indonesian large population (the fourth most populous nation in the world), and this means it is one of the most widely spoken language in the world. It is abundantly used in the media, government bodies, schools, university, working places, amongst members of the Indonesian upper-class or nobility and also in many other formal situations. Standard and formal Indonesian is also used in books and newspapers, and on television, radio, or news broadcasts. This book provides standard Bahasa for those who want to use the Indonesian for their daily basis survival. The author selected vocabularies and phrases that will help the users how to express their ideas in Indonesian. The topics provided are more than 15 topics such: as greetings and introductions, numbers, time, money, shopping, food and beverages, body treatment, communication, transportation, public transportation, places and directions, traveling, hospital and disease, department store, and many more. The author expects the readers will find this pocket book useful and handy in assisting them using Indonesian in their daily life use, especially every time they travel to Indonesia.
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